UK Press Agency covering covering Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
25 July 2017: Born Into A City of Culture - Hull and East Yorkshire Women and Childrens Hospital.
During 2017, every baby born in Hull, East Yorkshire, has been invited to have their footprint taken for a commissioned piece of artwork called 'Born Into A City of Culture'. Each month a new panel has been added to the foyer of Hull and East Yorkshire Women and Childrens Hospital. The artwork will be completed in January 2018.
Over 2300 babies footprints have been taken so far. To mark the half-way point, a mother and baby born in each month from January to June, were invited back to look at the artwork.
The tree trunks are hand-prints of midwives.
The artwork has been produced by Hull design company Jenko.
Pictured is Tina Dixon and 13 week old Freddie.
Picture: Sean Spencer/Hull News & Pictures Ltd
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